Sunday, January 3, 2016

Act of Kindness Day

Saturday morning the twins and I headed out, it did not take quite as long as I thought it would to complete (about) 25 acts of kindness. These are the ones we completed in no particular order..
Get ready for a long post!
  1. Adopt a platoon
  2. Send card to child with cancer
  3. 5 dollars in a Redbox
  4. Leave present for mailman
  5. Place a coat or scarf at CAT bus stop
  6. Drop bags in clothing bin
  7. Surprise at friends porch
  8. Make care packages to hand out
  9. Take dog food to Humane Society
  10. Pay for someone behind me at the drive thru
  11. Deliver flowers to nursing home
  12. Take items to Bethesda mission
  13. Leave dollar bills randomly at Target
  14. Deliver items to Downtown Daily Bread
  15. I will not blow my horn at others
  16. Take cookies to fire station
  17. Pay for a couple's meal
  18. Leave notes on cars
  19. Join the Bone Marrow Registry
  20. Leave larger than normal tip for waitress
  21. Place coins at vending machine
  22. Deliver items to Morning star*

  1. I signed up to adopt a soldier which entails sending a card and a care package each month. Since the soldiers are in the middle of transition, they do not have a permanent address. I will get the name of my soldier sometime after my birthday, January 4th. Visit if you want to sign up too!
  2. Next, I wrote 2 letters to children who have been diagnosed with cancer. These letters are sent to hospitals around the U.S. Go to if you want to learn more about it!                                                                                          
  3. The second thing we did today was return our DVD we rented last night, Vacation. We placed $5 in the case with a little note =)                                             
  4. I left some candy for the mailman this morning before I left for the day.
  5. This one was tough, I had some hats I didn't wear anymore as well as a scarf. We didn't know where to place these without looking like awkward lost people. We decided to place them near City Island at a CAT bus stop with little notes attached.                             
  6. We found a random clothing bin sponsored by a donation site I have never heard of before.
  7. Left a surprise on a friend's porch. Turned out she had been sick, so it was a perfect get well surprise!
  8. I went to the Dollar Store and got quite a few items to put in brown paper bags. Some people call them Blessing Bags. We saw quite a few (3) people who were homeless (they had signs..) but I guess we were not meant to hand them out because either the light turned green or they were on the wrong side of the road for us to hand them to the people. Maybe next time.. 
  9. My mom had dog food she had been meaning to donate to the Humane Society, so we took it for her! Then we had to stop in and see all the anxious pups waiting for their furever homes. 
  10. We went to Wendy's for a frosty and paid for the lady behind us. The guy who works at Wendy's was so excited because this is the first time he has had that happen. We didn't stick around to see her reaction, but I am sure she was thankful.           
  11. BY FAR MY FAVORITE STOP!!! I could go into so much detail but I will keep it short. We went to the Jewish Home and had two bouquets of flowers (wish I had brought more). We went to the front desk but no one was there so we walked around until we found someone.. We asked who would benefit from the flowers the most and we ended up giving them to a man who is 103, and split the other bouquet between 2 other women, ages 103 and 104!!! They were so adorable, words can't describe it. They were so thankful. I can't wait to go back and deliver more flowers. 
  12. We went to Bethesda Mission and finally found where to place the drop offs. The men at the homeless shelter saw us pull in and said thank you and wished us a happy new year! 
  13. So at first, my idea (gotten from other blogs) was to place dollar bills at the Dollar Tree in the toy section. That was kind of out of our way so I decided to place dollar bills in the little dress up purses for kids at Target, plus I LOVE Target. 
  14. Our mission to Downtown Daily Bread was interesting because at first we couldn't find it! Turns out it was literally right in front of us and we didn't find it until we walked a block in the opposite direction and came back around.. figures. We ended up leaving it in the lobby.
  15. For those of you that are on the phone with me when I drive, I beep my horn more often than others because sometimes I get frustrated... Well today, I did not beep my horn or get mad at slow drivers. (only a little bit)
  16. I wanted to take baked goods to the Fire station so we went to Linglestown Station 35 and delivered cookies. We rang the doorbell and no one answered so we left them on the bench. As we were pulling out, a man came out and thanked us! (They were busy watching the Penn State game) 
  17. Our first stop was the Skyline Diner. We ate breakfast and before we left we asked our waitress if we could have the check for the couple in the booth behind us. We didn't want them to know who it was and we left before we saw their reaction, which I am okay with!
  18. Again, since Target is my FAVORITE, we left inspirational notes on car's side view mirrors. I hope these made someone's day!                                               
  19. This one kind of counts but I was running out of ideas. About 2 years ago I joined the bone marrow registry ever since I started following this girl's story about her journey with cancer. (www.kissesforcami) her blog hasn't been updated lately but she is cancer free!
  20. My mom and I went out to dinner and left a little larger than normal tip for our waitress. I hope it made her night because there was literally no one else in the restaurant.
  21. I filled a baggie with some quarters and a little note to put on a vending machine.
  22. *So we attempted to go to Morningstar to leave baby items for mothers who are in need. They were closed at the time so we were going to leave the items on the covered porch. We then read a sign that said please do  not leave donations on the porch. So the bag is in my car until I can get back there or to somewhere else that can benefit from these supplies. If you know of another place let me know!                                                                         
Morningstar, Bethesda Mission, and Downtown Daily Bread, all have websites with wishlists if you would like to collect donations.                                                                  

So all in all we had a pretty fun day!  It was a great feeling as well as a fun adventure. So next time you run out of plans, think about doing some of these. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Plan

My plan:
On Saturday I plan to complete 25 Acts of Kindness with the support from the best neighbors and friends, The Twins.

1.  Adopt a soldier!
2. Send a letter to a child diagnosed with cancer (Cards for hospitalized kids)
3. Take items needed to Bethesda Mission
4. Donate clothes
5. Make and possibly distribute Blessing Bags
6. Donate items to Downtown Daily Bread
7. Pay for the order behind us at the drive-thru
8. Place inspirational quotes on people's cars
9. Leave a surprise on a friend's porch
10. Take flowers to someone at a nursing home
11. Leave money in a Redbox return
12. Hide $1 in the toy section of the Dollar Store
13. Leave a treat for the mailman
14. Take baked goods to Fire Department
15. Tape change to a vending machine
16. Be a friendly driver (I tend to get frustrated easily)
17. Make a donation of baby items to a health clinic (Morningstar)
18. Donate food to animal shelter
19. Wrap a scarf or coat around a pole

I need some help with the last six!!! Any ideas?