Friday, January 1, 2016

The Plan

My plan:
On Saturday I plan to complete 25 Acts of Kindness with the support from the best neighbors and friends, The Twins.

1.  Adopt a soldier!
2. Send a letter to a child diagnosed with cancer (Cards for hospitalized kids)
3. Take items needed to Bethesda Mission
4. Donate clothes
5. Make and possibly distribute Blessing Bags
6. Donate items to Downtown Daily Bread
7. Pay for the order behind us at the drive-thru
8. Place inspirational quotes on people's cars
9. Leave a surprise on a friend's porch
10. Take flowers to someone at a nursing home
11. Leave money in a Redbox return
12. Hide $1 in the toy section of the Dollar Store
13. Leave a treat for the mailman
14. Take baked goods to Fire Department
15. Tape change to a vending machine
16. Be a friendly driver (I tend to get frustrated easily)
17. Make a donation of baby items to a health clinic (Morningstar)
18. Donate food to animal shelter
19. Wrap a scarf or coat around a pole

I need some help with the last six!!! Any ideas?


  1. I saw how someone taped money with a note to diapers to help the family, maybe do that to some loaves of bread or on back of milk gallons.

  2. I saw how someone taped money with a note to diapers to help the family, maybe do that to some loaves of bread or on back of milk gallons.
